
Mr. Paul Hammond: BODY-WORN DETECTION [recording of the webinar]

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Г-н Paul Hammond

Paul Hammond

Chief Executive Officer | 360 K9 Group

Paul is widely recognized as an industry leader in the use and deployment of working dog teams, with a distinguished career spanning 30+ years, having managed many of the world’s largest operational canine programs. He has vast experience in domestic & international terrorism, spanning 20 years of continuous K9 deployments in hostile environments, including Iraq, Afghanistan & Northern Ireland in support of the U.S. Dept. of Defense, U.S. Dept. of State, the British Military & Private Security Sector. Paul has served as the senior working-dog advisor for multiple Military Defense, Research, and Evaluation agencies. He has also worked alongside Auburn University’s Canine Performance Science Program on key Government research initiatives.

An Entrepreneurial and driven Chief Executive, founding and managing numerous successful companies in the domestic and international marketplace. Paul is a facilitator and builder of world-class management teams, with a specialty in both start-up and scaled growth stages. Proven networking skills as well as an exemplary record of creating, planning, implementing and integrating the strategic dir