
Mr Paul Bunker - Handling and Storage of Training Aids (Chiron K9 LCC)

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Pan Paul Bunker

Mr. Bunker is the owner and Principal of Chiron K9 LLC, a canine consultancy company specializing in detection. He served over 22 years in the British Army as a Canine Trainer/Instructor/Assessor deploying on high threat counter-terrorist operations worldwide. During his time in the British Army, he was the Senior Instructor and Trainer of Specialized Search Dog and Mine Detection Dog (MMD)/Handler Training for both the UK and US Military. He created and implemented the MDD Program, which required developing new training techniques and methodologies. He was awarded the NATO Joint-Commanders Commendation for Distinguished Service in support of operations in the Balkans. In 2017 he formed Chiron K9 to concentrate on detection dog research and conservation/environmental detection. He also supports advanced training to Police and Government agencies, including being an authorized certifier for the Transport Security Agency. He is a co-author on several published papers and the author of “Imprint Your Detection Dog in 15 Days”.