
Jagna Gill: Nose Work step by step - how to begin the scent adventure?

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Pani Jagna Gill

Jagna Gill - has been training dogs for over 12 years, starting with search rescue and currently focusing primarily on scent detection and training dogs in uniformed units. She draws her knowledge and experience primarily from Scandinavian sources, learning from the best instructors and scientists in their fields around the world. Handler of two certified search and rescue dogs (now retired) and dogs trained for scent detection (EDDs), radio/camera directional sending and combat dogs. She cooperates with uniformed units in Poland and abroad, including in war-torn countries. Together with 'Junior', they regularly visit the Ukrainian troops, helping in the effective training of K9s in combat use. A graduate of many courses in Poland and abroad (including the USA, Sweden, the Netherlands and more) and an internship with a mine dog training center in Bosnia (NPA). Her training ideas combine the use of modern technologies with scientific foundations. Owner of the TWD Group - Thor Working Dogs company dealing with specialized training in the field of working dogs and founder of the NGO called IRMA Foundation - Dogs in the Service of Man.