
Dr. Paola Prada-Tiedemann: Environmental Effects on Odor Fate and Movement [recording]

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Sra. Paola Prada-Tiedemann

Dr. Paola Prada-Tiedemann is an Assistant Professor and the current Graduate Program Director for the Masters in Forensic Science program at Texas Tech University. She earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry with a forensic science concentration from Florida International University in 2010. In 2010, she was awarded the Intelligence Community (IC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship funded by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence from the US government. Her studies have united interdisciplinary areas such as chemistry, animal behavior and national security to address issues critical to effective intelligence and defense capabilities. She has worked extensively on developing instrumental methods for the identification of vapor odor signatures from various specimens of forensic and canine detection importance (drugs, explosives, decomposition, pathogens, human odor). She has worked with both national and international police/government agencies to help develop better instrumental and training techniques in various areas of odor detection. She is the author or co-author of numerous journal publications, book chapters, and one book dedicated entirely on human scent evidence. She has