
Jessy Lang: Functional heeling is fun!

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Pani Jessy Lang

Jessy Lang: "I am a psychologist and animal trainer from Germany. My dogs and also my guinea pigs are trained in detection. With getting a third dog, I wanted to train a different indication than the girls were taught before (freeze plus nose touch). He was supposed to learn a sit and stare. But as he is a minpin sitting in the cold, wet, itchy or whatever floor isn't his fave... therefore we wanted to start with training a second indication. But as a didn't want all the sit-training to be done for nothing, I connected it to a second scent. The people around me told me that its not possible. And of course my challenge mode turned on and we mastered it. No matter in which surroundings we are, we can now train detection plus do some damn awesome differentiation training as well. "