
Dr․ L․ DeGreeff - The Detection of Complex Odor Mixtures and Handling of Training Aids [recording]

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Г-жа Lauryn DeGreeff

Dr. Lauryn E. DeGreeff has worked in the field of analytical chemistry in support of canine detection for more than 13 years. She is currently employed as a research chemist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and is on faculty of the Florida International University, Chemistry Department. Dr. DeGreeff received her Ph.D. in Chemistry with an emphasis in Forensic Science from Florida International University in 2010. Her research focused on the sampling, characterization, and delivery of human odor, living and deceased, for the purpose of canine detection. Following the completion of her doctorate, she worked as a research fellow at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counterterrorism and Forensic Science Research Unit. Her research focus was detection and determination of human scent and odor and human blood for the development / improvement of canine training aids and training methods. Dr. DeGreeff began her research at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in 2012 with focus on the characterization of explosives for instrumental and canine detection. She has since developed and patented a canine training tool for training on mixed odors, which has recently been brought to comme